Jannelyn Santos

2020-2021 ART NOW F20 Exhibitions Sculpture

Class of 2022
Art + Design/ Biology Minor

For my public art piece: Among Butler is an interactive installation aimed to entertain. COVID-19 has greatly impacted the world we live in today, creating an atmosphere of cautious uncertainty that has drained and limited our freedom to enjoy day-to-day activities. With social distancing in mind, this piece encourages students on campus to find and take photos of these five figures scattered about Butler’s campus. The figures are disguised in a way that matches their building as if they are completing tasks related to their environment. However, their plush-like appearance should not deceive the viewer; a safe six-foot distance is recommended because the figures reflect mischievous characters like in the game MAFIA.

Cotton/fabric, plastic bags, recycled paper, and metal sign holders

Class Project
Pull depicts the tension between the mechanical mind, represented by the silver outstretched hand, and the emotional heart. The hand, which was molded from my own, is oriented in a puppeteer-like position, reaching from a black box that represents the human body. The hand pulls and tugs on the red strings attached to [my] heart, showing its overarching and rational control. The heartstrings become entangled and tense but remain intact. 

Porcelain, wood, spray paint, string, and wire